
Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, определите, к какой части речи относятся подчеркнутые слова.

  1. The joints in the top and bottom mats are interconnected diagonally by round steel bars and form a space frame.

  2. The entrance hall forms the link between the two blocks.

  3. The individual blocks have rectangular form.

  4. All connections are bolted.

  5. A 12 mm galvanized steel bolt is used to connect the wall panel to the roof beam.

  6. The members are joined by bolts.

  7. After the initial set careful control of temperature and humidity conditions is necessary.

  8. Deflections in double skin panels are easy to control.

  9. In general, control conditions on site are worse than those at a factory.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастие I и причастные обороты.

  1. The development consists of two blocks containing 78 flats.

  2. Increasing the plan area of the tube as much as possible the engineers increased the effective section area of the cantilever.

  3. These partitions should possess the necessary strength to support their own weight and all the loads, including effects of impact loads.

  4. Framed buildings frequently have walls which increase structural rigidity, that is, serving to transmit horizontal loads.

  5. Services are connected through the floor of each cabin, heating being done electrically.

  6. Wood has a cellular structure which resembles a number of tubes lying in the direction of the grain.

  7. The forces acting upon the framework are transmitted to the foundation through the following assemblies of load-bearing members.

  8. The two layers are interconnected by stainless steel ties extending through the insulation.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения с оборотом there + to be.

  1. There are three general areas of importance in foundation design.

  2. There are three basic forms of shallow foundations.

  3. There are many cases in which a short compression element is used as a transition between footing and supported element.

  4. There are many different relationships for structural action of walls, columns, and column foundations.

Упражнение 4. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 5 вопросов различных типов к тексту А.

Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C.

Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Текст B


The development consists of eight multi-storey blocks comprising a total of 1356 flats. The flats, ranging from one to four rooms, are accommo­dated in two slab blocks (with 26 and 28 storeys respectively) and in six 31-storey point blocks. Each slab block has three vertical circulation cores, while each point block has one core.

Slab blocks are 93 x 11 m overall on plan, rising to 77 m and 71 m above ground level while four point blocks are 22.90 x 15.25 m and two point blocks - 30.50 x 18.30m overall on plan with height above ground level being 84 m.

The structural steelwork for all the buildings transmits the vertical loads and also the horizontal wind forces. Internal and external col­umns continue through three storeys and are interconnected in both directions by floor beams. Beams and columns are of I-section; all connections are bolted. Wind-bracing is achieved by vertical lattice systems in the walls between the flats and by rigid inter­connection of floor beams and columns to multi-storey portal frames in the external walls and in the internal walls near the cores. Structural co-operation of the portal frames and lattice bracings is ensured by the rigid floors. To increase rigidity, the external columns and perimeter beams of the point blocks are encased in concrete up to the 10th floor. For a wind pressure of 150kg/m2 the lateral deflection of the buildings is calcu­lated as less than 1/500 of the height of the building.

Continuous reinforcement is incorporated over the floor beams. Floor slabs are connected to the steel beams by means of welded shear studs in pairs at 60cm centres.

In all, 704 reinforced concrete piles with 3.5 m average length were used for building foundation bearing on sand­stone and shale. The piles are 90 cm in diameter.


co-operation n. взаимодействие